Sri Lanka Festival- 2016
Sri Lanka Festival- 2016
Organized by the Sri Lanka High Commission Canberra
from 11.00am to 6.30 pm on Saturday 12th November 2016
Dear All
We are very happy to inform you that, the Sri Lanka High Commission is organizing “Sri Lanka Festival-2016” at the High Commission premises on 12 November 2016 from 11 am to 6.30 pm.
The main objective is showcasing Sri Lanka in Australia as an attractive destination for tourism, trade and investment as well promoting the diversity of our culture, food, arts and craft.
“Sri Lanka Festival” is being organized in partnership with the Sri Lankan community, organisations/businesses and groups in Canberra. We thank those individuals and organisations who have already come forward to support us. The High Commission is greatly encouraged by the enthusiastic response we have received to this important endeavor from all communities.
The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, the Sri Lanka Tea Board and Sri Lankan Airlines are key partners in this endeavor, and we will be seeking the support of many local Sri Lankan businesses as well.
The High Commission wishes to invite all members of the Sri Lankan community, Sri Lankan Associations, businesses and groups to join us in making this event a success.
There are several different ways through which you can take part at the Festival:
•Organise and manage a stall at the Festival selling Sri Lankan products and services;
For SL Associations/organizations/groups – Form A
For individuals and commercial entities – Form B
•Sri Lankan cultural performance on the main stage – Form C
•Joining as a Volunteer to assist us – Form D
In addition to the above you can also assist us by;
•by providing a financial sponsorship;
•selling tickets for ‘Raffle Draw’;
•helping with publicity prior to and during the Festival
•Spreading the word among friends, family, co-workers & others
We hope to have a few Sri Lankan cricketing heavy weights to be present as well!
For any further information please contact by E-mail slfest@slhcaust.org
Thank you very much
Sri Lanka High Commission
Register with the High Commission
The Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra would like to keep in touch with Sri Lankans and persons of Sri Lankan origin living in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and other Pacific Islands as well as Sri Lankan community organisations in those countries.
If you are a current/former Sri Lankan or an office bearer of a Sri Lankan community organisation we invite you to register with the High Commission.
Sri Lanka High Commission
61, Hampton Circuit
ACT 2600