Sri Lanka High Commissioner appreciates Australia’s continues commitment on Counter People Smuggling and other Organised Transnational Crimes

Major General Craig Furini, Commander Joint Agency Task Force, Operation Sovereign Borders of the Australian Border Force paid a courtesy call on High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna on 29th  October 2019.

During the meeting, Major General Craig Furini briefed on the ongoing collaborative engagement between Sri Lanka and Australia in the areas of Countering  People Smuggling and other organised  Transnational crimes. Read More »

Sri Lankans celebrate Deepavali in Canberra

Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra celebrated Deepavali on 25th October 2019 at the High Commission premises with the participation of the Sri Lankan community in Canberra.

A special Deepavali/ Lakshmi  pooja was conducted by Rev. Arjun ji , Resident priest of Sri Vishnu Shiva Mandir seeking prosperity and happiness to all communities living in Sri Lanka,  which was followed by a talk on the meaning of Deepavali festival by Mr. Thamo Sridaharan, Vice President of the Sri Vishnu Shiva Mandir, Canberra. The members of the Sri Lankan Hindu community presented a cultural programme with spectacular Bharatanatyam dance, singing and instrumental performances. Read More »

Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra welcomes the Sri Lankan cricket team touring Australia

The Sri Lanka T-20 cricket team currently touring Australia was welcomed by the  High Commissioner and staff of the  Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra on 24th October 2019. Several Sri Lanka cricket clubs joined the event.

While welcoming the cricket team, its   management and coaching staff, the High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna highlighted the contribution of cricket,  the most popular sport,   to strengthen relationship between   Sri Lanka – Australia. Read More »

Sri Lanka High Commissioner appreciates Australia’s continues commitment to address CKDu health issue in Sri Lanka

Professor Richard Banati, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sysdeny who also holds an ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization) Distinguished Researcher Fellowship paid a courtesy call on High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna on 16th October 2019.

During the meeting, Professor Richard Banati briefed on the ongoing progress in the research collaboration between ANSTO and the Sri Lankan Presidential Taskforce on the Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease Read More »

The Sixth Meeting of Australia-Sri Lanka Joint Working Group(JWG) on Counter People Smuggling and other Transnational Crime concludes in Canberra

The Sixth Meeting of Australia-Sri Lanka Joint Working Group(JWG)  on Counter People Smuggling and other Transnational Crime was successfully concluded in Canberra on 11th October 2019. The meeting was held under the co–chairmanship of General S.H.S. Kottegoda (Rtd.), Secretary Ministry of Defence, Sri Lanka and Mr. Hamish Hansford, Acting Deputy Secretary, Policy Group, Department of Home Affairs, Australia. Read More »

Volunteers for Sri Lanka Festival – 2019 in Canberra

The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Canberra invites volunteers for the forthcoming “Sri Lanka Festival- 2019” scheduled  for  Saturday, 09th November 2019 from 11.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. at the High Commission premises at No.61, Hampton Circuit,  Yarralumla.

The interested persons who wish to serve as volunteers at the above event are kindly requested to send their details to or contact Mr. Dharmapala Weerakoddy, Minister, High Commission of Sri Lanka in Canberra on Mobile No: 042-7114444 for necessary arrangements.

Mr. Pär Liljert, Chief of Mission – IOM Australia; Coordinator and Advisor for New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific pays a courtesy call on High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna

Mr. Pär Liljert, Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Australia; Coordinator and Advisor for New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific paid a courtesy call on High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna on 03rd October 2019.

During the meeting,   Mr. Pär elaborated on the IOM’s scope of work particularly the IOM’s Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme Read More »

Sri Lanka Festival in Canberra – 2019

The High Commissioner and the staff of the Sri Lanka High Commission kindly request all Sri Lankans and well – wishers in Australia to save the date, Saturday, 09th  November 2019 to join the upcoming “Sri Lanka Festival” to be held at the premises of the Mission in Yarralumla.

The above festival will be an exciting and fun-filled celebration of Sri Lanka, its food, culture and most importantly, its people. The visitors to the event would be able to enjoy Sri Lankan food and beverages, dance and music, art and crafts, tourism information, children’s activities and much more.



ICC T20 World Cup (Australia 2020)

ICC T20 World Cup Organizing Team comprising of Mr. Nick Hockley, General Manager, Government Relations & Host Cities of ICC T20 World Cup 2020 accompanied by   Mr. Sam Watson, General Manager and Mr. Luke Wiman, Host City Manager, visited the High Commission on 24th September 2019 and paid a courtesy call on the High Commissioner J.C. Weliamuna.

The ICC T20 World Cup is scheduled to be held in Australia in 2020.  The Women’s World Cup and the World Cup T20 Tournament are scheduled in mid-February 2020 and in October 2020 respectively. Read More »

Comment of the Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary General


Following the statement of the Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary General yesterday (25 September 2019) that the UN Department of Peace Operations has decided to repatriate a Sri Lankan Army unit and individual officers currently serving with UN Peacekeeping due to concerns on the appointment of Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva as the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, the Government of Sri Lanka is in discussion on this issue with the UN.  Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs who is leading the Sri Lanka delegation to the 74th General Assembly Session is scheduled to discuss this matter with the Under Secretary General of the UN Department of Peace Operations, on Friday, 27 September 2019.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


26 September 2019

Register with the High Commission

The Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra would like to keep in touch with Sri Lankans and persons of Sri Lankan origin living in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and other Pacific Islands as well as Sri Lankan community organisations in those countries.

If you are a current/former Sri Lankan or an office bearer of a Sri Lankan community organisation we invite you to register with the High Commission.



Sri Lanka High Commission
61, Hampton Circuit
ACT 2600

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