Message of H.E Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka on the Occasion of Christmas
December 25, 2021
Christmas, signifying the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ, is a noble religious feast that rejoices, bringing love and peace not only for Christians in Sri Lanka and across the world, but for all mankind.
For full message : Click here….
Australian Home Minister holds wide ranging talks with the Foreign Minister Peiris
December 21, 2021
The Australian Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews met Foreign Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris on 20 December 2021 at the Foreign Ministry during her official visit to Sri Lanka and discussed avenues for enhanced cooperation on a broad spectrum of areas.
The Foreign Minister expressed satisfaction with Australia’s significant involvement in preventing people smuggling and transnational crimes in Sri Lanka as well as in the region. The Minister reiterated that the vibrant partnership between Australia and Sri Lanka exemplified the highly effective and successful collaboration between the two countries in the field of preventing people smuggling and border security matters. Read More »
Online submission of COVID – 19 Vaccination certificates and PCR test results to facilitate swift completion of arrival formalities at ports of entry into Sri Lanka
November 4, 2021
All Sri Lankans and Foreigners are requested to upload their vaccine certificates and PCR test results to the following link in order to facilitate swift completion of arrival formalities at ports of entry into Sri Lanka:
While the above documents can also be submitted on arrival in hard copy, online uploading of the certificates and carrying copies of the same with the traveller would ensure swift completion of formalities without any delays.
Speech by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the “Rediscovering Nitrogen: Solutions and Synergies for Climate Change, Health, Biodiversity and Circular Economy”, COP26 Side Event, Scotland, UK on 31 October 2021
November 2, 2021
It gives me great pleasure to address you this evening and I am very happy to see such an illustrious turnout at this event.
As we are all aware, climate change is one of the greatest crises the world currently faces. Read More »
November 1, 2021
The Ministry of Fisheries has developed a plan for interested parties who are keen in Investing in the Fisheries Industry in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka for years have has been exporting high value and superior quality Seafood to the Global Markets with its Strategic Location and Resources in the Indian Ocean.
The main exports include Tuna, Mud Crab, Shrimp and Sea Cucumber. With Marine Resources around the Island and Natural Water Resources Inland, Sri Lanka is looking to Intensify Aquaculture Farming to meet the demands of the Global Markets and engage in Sustainable Fishing. More details …..
Sri Lankan literature donated to New Zealand
October 13, 2021
A collection of books in Sinhala and Tamil languages was donated to the Community Languages section of the City Library in Palmerston North, New Zealand on 24th September 2021.
The books were officially handed over to the library by Mr. Tishan Sampath Dissanayake, Founder of the Sinag Sri Lanka Foundation, in the presence of Mr. Grant Smith, the Mayor of Palmerston North, Linda Moore, the Library Manager and the library staff.
Palmerston North City library in New Zealand maintains a collection of books in over 25 different languages for its multi-lingual readers. This donation of 76 books written in Sinhala and Tamil including some of the English translations of renowned authors such as Martin Wickramasinghe & W.A. Abeysinghe, will now enrich the library with Sri Lankan literature.
The collection included Martin Wickramasinghe’s Gamperaliya, Kaliyuga, Yuganthaya Madol Doowa, Ape Gama and Dr W. A. Abeysinghe’s popular translations the Swami Saha Yaluwo, Yuddaya Ha Premaya in addition to Sinhala language books for children and Buddhist Jataka story books.
Sri Lankan children living in Palmerston are expected to benefit greatly from this collection of books to widen their knowledge of their native language and create cultural awareness of the Sri Lankan life.
The books were sponsored by the Martin Wickramasinghe Trust Fund and Samudra Book Publishers. It was facilitated by the Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra.
Sri Lanka High Commission
13 October 2021
The Six-Month Road Map For Ensuring Macroeconomic & Financial System Stability – Central Bank of Sri Lanka
October 8, 2021
Public Relations and Communication activities of Global Communication Campaign 2021 – 2025 of Sri Lanka Tourism
October 5, 2021
Invitation for international bid proposals from reputed and experienced agencies for selection of a Destination Representation Company in Australia to facilitate Public Relations and Communication activities of Global Communication Campaign 2021 – 2025 of Sri Lanka Tourism
The Chairman, Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee of the Ministry of Tourism, invites sealed bid proposals from reputed and experienced agencies for selection of a Public Relations Company in Australia to facilitate Public Relations and Communication activities of the Global Communication Campaign 2021- 2025, in coordination with the Campaign Management Unit on behalf of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB).
The deadline for bid submission of the above has been extended by Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau till 08th November 2021 by an addendum to the Biding Document.
Sri Lanka Tourism further informed that an addendum was issued for the bid Documents with the relaxed Eligibility Criteria. According to the addendum prospective bidders shall have following qualifications and experience:
- Company duly registered in Australia as a legal entity and having an operational office in Australia:
- Minimum 05 years of experience in Destination Representation/ Public Relations;
III. Proven track records in handling minimum of Three (03) accounts on Destination Representation / Public Relations, of the value over US$ 200,000/- (each project) for local or international clients from 2015 to 2019.
- The company should have minimum annual turnover of US$ 1 million per year during 2015 to 2019 with a profitability.
The Addendum related to Australia could be reached through:
Please find the bidding document related to Australia via
Addendums related to all countries could be reached through:
Bids must be delivered to the High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, 61, Hampton Circuit, Yarralumla, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia. on or before the new deadline on 08th November 2021 .
Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra
05 October 2021
President addresses the General Debate of the 76th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 21-27 September 2021)
September 24, 2021
Statement by H.E. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka at the General Debate of the Seventy-Sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly 22 September 2021
Mr. President, Secretary General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am honoured to represent Sri Lanka at this august gathering today. Read More »
Register with the High Commission
The Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra would like to keep in touch with Sri Lankans and persons of Sri Lankan origin living in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and other Pacific Islands as well as Sri Lankan community organisations in those countries.
If you are a current/former Sri Lankan or an office bearer of a Sri Lankan community organisation we invite you to register with the High Commission.
Sri Lanka High Commission
61, Hampton Circuit
ACT 2600