Invest in East 2016: Second International Investor Forum for Eastern Sri Lanka
November 24, 2015
The Chief Ministry of the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka will be organising for the second time, a special Investment Promotion Forum for the Eastern Province on 28th of January 2016. The Forum will be a collaborative initiative with the Ministries and Agencies mandated with Investment Promotion and Economic Development of the Central Government.
The theme if the Forum is “Creating Conducive Environment for Investments and Employment Creation”, especially in the post conflict development context.
The Forum is expected to attract wide participation from both local and foreign stakeholders. A number of project proposals have been compiled in preparation of the Forum in areas covering agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, tourism and small industries, and will be made available to potential investors attending the Forum. Sector specific investment promotion materials will also be available promoting the opportunities in the Province.
Speakers at the Forum will include Government officials, captains of Industry, tourism operators, corporate bodies, business associations and many other interest groups and individuals.
The Forum is aimed at improving the investment climate and to further encourage the inflow of domestic and foreign investment into the economy of the region.The formation and promotion of brand “Invest in East” to the world, particularly to the Sri Lankan diaspora is also a key objective.
For further details of the Forum and registration, please contact:
Mr. Samantha Abeywickrama
Tel: +94-26 2-226-059
Ms. Thilakarani Fernando
Tel: +94-11-2-300-488
Fax. +94-11-2-303-318 Email: info@investineast.lk