Address by Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana, Indian Ocean Conference 2017: 31 August 2017



Address by Hon Tilak Marapana

 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka

Indian Ocean Conference 2017

 31st August- 1st September 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies & Gentlemen,

The Indian Ocean has historically been a powerful communication channel for the spread of culture, global trade and commerce. Today, the Indian Ocean’s traditional status as a major source of livelihood is more valid than ever before, as it remains an important international trade highway.

It is in this context that the 2nd Indian Ocean Conference assumes significance. Identifying common challenges and finding amicable solutions will help us, as a community of nations to grow, prosper and secure our future together. Sri Lanka stands ready to do whatever is necessary towards achieving peace, progress and prosperity in the Indian Ocean region.

As an island nation, Ocean Affairs is of vital significance to Sri Lanka. We have for many years participated prominently in many international and regional initiatives related to Ocean Affairs. More significantly, we were closely involved from the outset with the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea at which a new legal regime for the oceans was developed.

The situation in the world, particularly in the Indian Ocean, has undergone a major transformation since that time. The end of Cold War, and the shift towards globalization, benefitted the region’s economic thrust. However, several new challenges and threats to regional stability and security have emerged such as cross border issues, terrorism, piracy, drug trafficking, and environmental catastrophe. These challenges require the development of a common approach and commitment, by those who are present in the region. 

Our economies rely on the free and secure passage of maritime trade through the region. Therefore, we have a fundamental interest in fostering peace and security and ensuring a safe maritime domain for all. An Indian Ocean, Rules Based Order that respects the rights of all states to the freedom of navigation and over-flight, and ensures unimpeded lawful maritime commerce, in line with international laws and regulations, is essential for peace and prosperity in our region and beyond. A stable and secure Ocean order will not only build confidence and predictability among its users but also assist in combating maritime crime and ensuring the safety and security of our Sea Lanes of Communication. 

Sri Lanka’s National Economic Development policies have incorporated the Indian Ocean as a vital component in its Development Plan. The Blue-Green development strategy, outlined by President Sirisena, places the sustainable utilization of ocean resources at its centre. Our aim is to reap the benefits of Blue Economy by adopting environment friendly green development policies.

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 

We attach great importance to maritime connectivity. We need to start linking up maritime expertise across the board in the Indian Ocean Region. Our future depends on sharing this wealth of experience and knowledge that will lead to a collective success story.

The challenge that confronts us is to find a structure on how to sustain and promote peace, progress and prosperity in the Indian Ocean Region.

Towards this end, I believe that

-Our economic drive should be matched by a commitment to protecting our environment particularly our oceans, and to manage ocean resources in a sustainable manner in order to ensure healthier oceans and a more prosperous society.

-Our political goals need to be matched by mutual respect and a strong determination to adhere to the laws and rules based systems that govern the seas.

Let us take home a commitment to direct our energy towards a sustainable ocean economy, together with better ocean protection as well as for maintaining peace in our oceans.

I thank you all.

Remarks by Prasad Kariyawasam, Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Panel on Peace in the Indian Ocean Region, Indian Ocean Conference 2017, Colombo: 1st September 2017


Remarks by Prasad Kariyawasam

Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Panel on Peace in the Indian Ocean Region

Indian Ocean Conference 2017, Colombo: 1st September 2017

Good morning to everyone and a warm welcome to Day 2 of the 2nd Indian Ocean Conference.

Shri S. Jaishankar, Foreign Secretary of India will deliver the Keynote Address of this session on “Peace in the Indian Ocean Region”, followed by three plenary sessions.

The first plenary that will focus on ‘Peace’ will have the Foreign Secretary of Australia Ms. Frances Adamson, Acting US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Ambassador Alice Wells, and Director General for Asia and Pacific of the Foreign Office of Germany, Ms. Ina Lepel.

A few words before I give the floor to Shri Jaishankar.

-First and foremost, I want to congratulate Shri Ram Madhav and the India Foundation, the Bangladesh Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies, and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies of Singapore for organizing this important Conference in Colombo and for bringing all of you here to our island home.

-You have brought together, important policy makers, strategic thinkers, political leaders and academics from across the region here to Colombo for this important Conference on a subject that will have a determining impact on the future, not only of this region, but the world at large. In fact, having been the High Commissioner for Sri Lanka to India recently for a little over 4 years, I am very happy to welcome and meet again, some of the best minds in India who are here to join us in these deliberations.

-Yesterday evening, at the inauguration, among other important dignitaries, we had the privilege of hearing from the Minister of External Affairs of India, the Foreign Minister of Singapore, the Vice President of Seychelles and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, of their vision for a peaceful, prosperous, and stable Indian Ocean Region.

‘Peace and Stability’ in the Indian Ocean is essential for the development and progress of the Indian Ocean region, and the world at large; and this important subject of ‘Peace’ is the focus of this Plenary Session. As you know, nothing happens in isolation in the globalized world. Anything that happens in this region will have its impact on countries and peoples living far beyond this region. This, we all know to be true.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Indian Ocean is the world’s third largest body of water. Dominated by two immense bays – the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, this region encompasses such a vast diversity of cultures,  peoples, religions, ethnicities, languages, and political systems. This great Indian Ocean was the holder of mysteries and the keeper of secrets for our ancestors, as it still does for us in many ways. This Indian Ocean united people and cultures that lived oceans apart, as the fearless sea-farers of the ancient world traversed the Indian Ocean from Arabia, right across to China, sharing their ideas and philosophies, faiths, and knowledge with people in distant lands, while trading and engaging in sea-based commerce.

This Ocean has brought fame and fortune, tears and grief, conflict and peace, progress and prosperity, to people in the Indian Ocean nations at different times in history. The story of the Indian Ocean continues, and it is now our turn to write its next chapter and chart its course.

Our destiny is in our hands. What will we choose to do? It is our strong belief that we must choose Peace, sincerely, genuinely, and wholeheartedly. We must choose friendship, cooperation, and mutual benefit, shunning adversarial competition and conflict. We must take steps without delay, in the interest of all our people, to put in place a strong, transparent, inter-dependent and rules-based architecture that can secure for our people, the peace and prosperity that will benefit all.

I see no other means to lift the millions that live in our countries out of poverty and conflict, for meaningful prosperity.

The Indian Ocean Peace poses many challenges as well as opportunities in the present day. The Ocean keeps the networks of trading alive, providing livelihood and delivering prosperity to our people. At the same time, it also keeps the networks of terrorism, piracy, drug smuggling, and human trafficking, alive, which requires constant vigilance and action through cooperation, in our common interest.

Our desire is for a system in the Indian Ocean where all countries pursue their territorial claims and pursue their aspirations in accordance with international law.  A system that sees greater cooperation, including on natural disasters, maritime security, and for keeping the sea lanes open and safe. A system that enhances economic connectivity in the entire Indo-Asia-Pacific, ensuring the transfer of goods and services at faster speeds, greater volumes, and especially at lower costs.

Sri Lanka, located right in the middle of the orient, is ready to work with our partners in the region and beyond for this purpose. We seek an inclusive Indian Ocean that is peaceful, stable, and secure. Our Ocean, since time immemorial, not only drew the attention of the rest of the world, but benefitted from its interaction with those living beyond. Exchange of ideas, and goods and services within the region and those from afar, have enriched our lives and continues to do so. Establishing a Peaceful Indian Ocean Region, is essential for the long and short-term wellbeing of our region and the billions of people to whom this region is Home. We need to create conditions, processes and procedures for cooperation so that prosperity in the Indian Ocean Region will not remain just a dream for our people.

90% of the world’s population lives by the sea. As mentioned by many speakers yesterday, the seas remain the primary mode for the international transportation of goods, touching the lives of this large body of people, directly. The Indian Ocean Region is no exception. Statistics with regard to sea-borne transport has also been mentioned in this Conference and elsewhere. Therefore, it is evident that sustaining peace and stability in the Oceans including in the Indian Ocean is essential for peace and stability in the littoral. In this context, the proposal by the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, to establish a Code of Conduct in the Indian Ocean, we believe, requires urgent attention. It is a win-win proposal that can create an inclusive architecture. We must think innovatively as to how we can work on this proposal, and the appropriate forum for doing so, with the participation of all stakeholders that live in this region and those connected to this region, from beyond.

I am sure that the discussion to follow will include thoughts and ideas of how we could move forward in this direction.

I now invite Shri S. Jaishanker, Foreign Secretary of India, to deliver the Keynote Address.

Hon Tilak Marapana assumes duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs


Hon. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Development Assignments assumed duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Friday 18 August 2017.

Minister Marapana was received by the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prasad Kariyawasam and senior staff upon arrival at the Ministry. Following the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and holding of religious observances, the Minister officially assumed duties at the Ministry.

Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana addessed the media following his assumption of duties.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

19 August 2017

YouTubeVideo of Remarks to Media by Foreign Minister
sunclouds Audio of Remarks to Media  

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Hon. Thilak Marapana sworn in as Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Hon. Thilak Marapana, Minister of Development Assignments was sworn in as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, before President Maithripala Sirisena today (Aug. 15) at the Presidential Secretariat.

Secretary to the President, Mr Austin Fernando was also present at this occasion.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Colombo 01

15th August 2017

විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යවරයා ලෙස ගරු තිලක් මාරපන මහතා අද දිවුරුම් දුන්නේය.

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විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශය
කොළඹ 01
2017 අගෝස්තු 15

வெளிவிவகார அமைச்சராக கௌரவ.திலக் மாரப்பன அவர்கள் பதவிப் பிரமாணம்

புதிய வெளிவிவகார அமைச்சராக கௌரவ திலக் மாரப்பன அவர்கள் இன்று (15) முற்பகல் ஜனாதிபதி செயலகத்தில் ஜனாதிபதி கௌரவ மைத்ரிபால சிறிசேன அவர்களின் முன்னிலையில் பதவிப்பிரமாணம் செய்தார்.

ஜனாதிபதியின் செயலாளர் ஒஸ்டின் பெர்ணான்டோவும் இந்நிகழ்வில் கலந்துகொண்டார்.

வெளிநாட்டு அலுவல்கள் அமைச்சு
கொழும்பு 01

Prasad Kariyawasam assumes duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Following his appointment by President Maithripala Sirisena on 29 July, as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prasad Kariyawasam assumed duties yesterday morning, Tuesday 15 August 2017.

Mr. Kariyawasam joined the Sri Lanka Foreign Service in 1981. Prior to his appointment as Secretary, he served as the Ambassador for Sri Lanka to the United States of America from July 2014 to August 2017. He has held diplomatic assignments in Geneva, Riyadh, Washington, New York, and New Delhi, and has served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York and Geneva and High Commissioner to India. He has been previously concurrently accredited as Ambassador / High Commissioner to Chile, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Jamaica, the Holy See, Bhutan and Afghanistan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

16 August 2017

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Statement by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Foreign Affairs following bilateral talks with Hon. Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia on 19th July 2017 in Colombo


Your Excellency Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia,
His Excellency Bryce Hutchesson, High Commissioner of Australia,
Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great pleasure I extend a warm welcome to Hon. Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia to Sri Lanka. The visit is significant, since it coincides with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Australia.

The people to people links are the bedrock of the bilateral relations between Sri Lanka and Australia. The presence of over 150,000 Australians of Sri Lankan origin has provided a human bridge between the two countries.

The year of 70th Anniversary of our diplomatic relations have generated a new momentum in our longstanding relations with a series of recent high level visits. H.E. President Maithripala Sirisena undertook a State visit and Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe undertook an official visit to Australia this year. The fruitful outcomes of these visits would serve as a roadmap for our cooperation in the years ahead.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and I just concluded productive discussions on ways and means of further enhancing our bilateral cooperation in areas of mutual interest, including economic partnership, development cooperation, combating people smuggling, education and skill development, tourism, reconciliation and the role by Overseas Sri Lankans in the development of Sri Lanka. We also discussed on regional security challenges including maritime security as well as cooperation in the multilateral fora.

Sri Lanka’s economic ties with Australia have now transformed itself into a dynamic partnership due to growing trade, investment, and new business interests. I extend an invitation to Australian investors to take full advantage of Sri Lanka transforming itself into an important and viable logistical hub in the East-West maritime arc.

I expressed my deep appreciation for Australian development assistance received for several decades including under the Colombo Plan. Sri Lanka is also thankful for the opportunities awarded for post graduate studies to Sri Lankan public officials through Australia Awards which is coming under the purview of Hon. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. We also discussed on enhancing cooperation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training to empower younger Sri Lankans.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and I discussed on promotion of tourism between the two countries. I welcomed Australia’s assistance in the planning and development of the Sri Lanka tourism industry. We explored opportunities to collaborate in promoting eco-tourism and community based tourism. I am pleased to inform that Sri Lankan airlines will commence its operations to Melbourne with effect from October winter 2017.

I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop for her keen interest in reaching out to Sri Lankan Australians and encouraging them to work with the Government of Sri Lanka towards common objectives. Sri Lanka continues to encourage overseas Sri Lankans to contribute to Sri Lanka’s economic development. Strengthening of the Sri Lankan economy and inclusive growth are important factors for ensuring long-term peace, stability, and non-recurrence of conflict.

It is a happy coincidence that Foreign Minister of Singapore Vivian Balakrishnan and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop are visiting Sri Lanka at the same time.  I am glad to inform that we have made use of this opportunity to meet together tomorrow to discuss on issues of common interest.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will pay courtesy calls on President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe tomorrow.

Sri Lanka values the longstanding friendship and cooperation with Australia. I am confident that the visit of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will further enhance our warm and friendly relations and serve as a catalyst to expand our partnership in multifaceted areas in the years ahead.

I wish Minister Julie Bishop and her delegation a very pleasant stay in Sri Lanka.

Thank you.

sunclouds Audio of Remarks

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Global Ceylon Tea Party kicks off in Canberra

The Global Ceylon Tea Party celebrating the 150th anniversary of Ceylon Tea got underway on 6th July with the first party in the Pacific region being held in Canberra at the  Sri Lanka High Commission.

Specially identified Tea businesses, Tea traders, travel writers & firms and selected academics, officials, diplomats were invited to this unique event.

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Government Approves Historic National Policy on Reconciliation and Coexistence

On 2nd May 2017, in a historic move, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Government of Sri Lanka approved Sri Lanka’s first National Reconciliation Policy.

The process for developing the National Reconciliation Policy was initiated in September 2015 by the Office for National Unity & Reconciliation (ONUR) chaired by Former President Her Excellency Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.

After a one-year comprehensive consultation process with multiple stakeholders including Government officials, ministries, departments, members of provincial councils, civil society, academia, and experts and grass-roots activists, the National Reconciliation Policy was submitted by His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena in September 2016 to Cabinet of Ministers for discussion. In his accompanying note to the Cabinet, His Excellency stated that the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR) had drafted the National Policy in a “manner that reflects that reconciliation is a whole-of-government effort and a multi-stakeholder endeavour.”

At this Cabinet Meeting in September 2016, Hon Minister Mano Ganeshan, Minister of National Coexistence, Dialogue & Official Languages, requested a few amendments to the document. Hence, the Cabinet directed the Secretary to the President to discuss these concerns with ONUR, who had prepared and drafted the National Policy on Reconciliation, and with Ministers and Secretaries of relevant Ministries and present a final version of the National Policy on Reconciliation. The Ministry of National Coexistence, Dialogue & Official Languages sent in amendments comprising paragraphs regards two matters, namely, language policy and coexistence. The rest of the original document as was prepared and drafted by ONUR was agreed to by the Ministry National Coexistence, Dialogue & Official Languages and other relevant Ministries.

Accordingly, ONUR prepared the final version of the National Policy on Reconciliation and it was this final version of the document prepared by ONUR that was adopted by the Government at the Cabinet of Ministers’ meeting held on 2 May 2016.

ONUR held further discussions and consultations with stakeholders and the revised final version of the National Reconciliation Policy & Coexistence was resubmitted as a joint Cabinet Memorandum by His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena and Hon Mano Ganeshan, Minister of National Coexistence, Dialogue & Official Languages, to the Cabinet of Ministers on 2 May 2017 for adoption.

The National Reconciliation Policy declares that will “serve as the State policy on reconciliation” and “provide direction to the process of national reconciliation in Sri Lanka.” Further, it says that it will “provide a guiding framework to all stakeholders working on reconciliation in order to achieve coherence in reconciliation initiatives.”

The National Policy on Reconciliation is set to fill a long-standing vacuum due to the absence of a consolidated National Policy on Reconciliation. The National Policy on Reconciliation will aim to satisfy the need of the country for an over-arching vision on reconciliation and a broad, coherent framework to steer and direct the process of national reconciliation. In this regard, it declares that, “Acknowledging that while several reconciliation initiatives are underway, there does not exist an expressed declared policy by the Government of Sri Lanka on the subject; hence this National Policy on Reconciliation aims to bridge this gap.”

This National Reconciliation Policy has laid down a set of “Policy Principles” which it defines as “A set of actionable principles and long-term goals that will form the basis for making rules and guidelines, and to provide overall direction to planning and development for national reconciliation. These include Equality, Human Rights, Justice and the Rule of Law, Transitional Justice, Inclusivity and Diversity, Sustainable Development, Civic Consciousness and others. The National Reconciliation Policy also lays down guidelines for stakeholders and actors implementing reconciliation programs and has identified the following as critical to it, namely, Conflict Sensitivity, Cross-Cultural Awareness, Victim-Centredness, Gender Responsiveness, Foresight and Innovation, Leadership and Sustainability, Efficiency and Effectiveness, Coordination and Complementarity and Clear and Consistent Communication.

The National Reconciliation Policy includes an Implementation Strategy which has stated as follows: “Mainstream the values defined in the National Policy on Reconciliation within government institutions and existing national initiatives through annual work plans; Develop a National Programme and Action Plan for Reconciliation; and Launch public awareness and education campaigns on the National Policy on Reconciliation and the National Programme and Action Plan on Reconciliation.”

The Policy Document in English, Sinhala and Tamil can be downloaded via the link:




  1. Australia and Sri Lanka have built a strong and enduring relationship since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1947. Underpinning this friendship are strong historical ties, common values and many shared interests – including a commitment to democracy, the rule-of-law, and support for a stable, liberal rules-based international order.
  1. Australia and Sri Lanka have achieved much together over the past 70 years. Our longstanding development partnership has helped alleviate poverty and build human capital. Our people-to-people links are extensive across all sectors of society – academia, media, culture, literature, science, sport, medicine, politics, commerce and law. Our close cooperation on security and defence matters has been particularly effective in countering people smuggling and enhancing regional security.
  1. Australia recognises Sri Lanka’s strong economic growth and considerable progress toward national reconciliation since the end of the conflictin 2009. Its economic reform agenda, deeper integration with the global economy and progress toward becoming an important Indian Ocean economic hub present new opportunities to expand the economic relationship.
  1. In recognition of the closeness of our bilateral relations and to further deepen our partnership, this Joint Declaration on Enhanced Cooperation, signed on the occasion of the State Visit by President H.E. Maithripala Sirisena to Australia, marks the 70th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. This declaration seeks to guide our enhanced bilateral partnership in coming years.

Security and defence cooperation

  1. As close neighbours, Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) members and trading nations, Australia and Sri Lanka mutually benefit from a peaceful and secure maritime domain. Both countries are committed to closer cooperation and engagement in the Indo-Pacific to help create a more prosperous and secure region.
  1. We will continue to work together to shape the future of the region and the broader global environment by supporting, reinforcing and strengthening regional norms and the rules-based order, including through forums, particularly IORA, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime. We will enhance our dialogue on strategic policy matters, both bilaterally and through regional forums such as the Galle Dialogue and Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS).
  1. Australia and Sri Lanka will maintain our efforts to prevent people smuggling and to ensure a close working relationship between relevant agencies. Both countries commit to enhance police and legal cooperation on other transnational crime, including human trafficking and modern slavery, money laundering, narcotics smuggling and international terrorism. 
  1. Australia and Sri Lanka are committed to ongoing defence engagement, particularly on maritime security. Our navy-to-navy links have been a highlight of the bilateral relationship. Both countries commit to explore additional, individual training opportunities and provision of expert assistance. Recognising our mutual interests in the Indian Ocean, both countries will continue to cooperate on search and rescue, and maritime safety through the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control.
  1. Australia recognises the importance of Sri Lanka’s human rights, reconciliation and transitional justice agendas to its long-term peace and prosperity. Australia will continue to stand with Sri Lanka on this journey, including through lending practical support for reconciliation measures.

Economic cooperation

  1. Australia and Sri Lanka are committed to harnessing the significant opportunities of greater trade and economic integration in the Indo-Pacific region. Both countries will also do more to expand bilateral trade and investment, particularly in agribusiness, energy, education, tourism, hospitality and mining. 
  1. Both countries commit to explore the possibility of improving market access, trade promotion and investment facilitation. Australia will continue to support Sri Lanka by providing technical advice in support of trade facilitation reform and improving its business-enabling environment. This may include establishing a bilateral framework to expand the economic relationship.
  1. Both countries recognise new and growing opportunities for greater energy cooperation. Sri Lanka’s energy requirements are changing and Australia is a major global energy supplier. Australian private sector investment expertise in energy infrastructure holds potential to drive future economic growth in Sri Lanka. 
  1. Australia and Sri Lanka recognise the opportunities for closer cooperation in the minerals and mining sector. Australia will help Sri Lanka map its natural resources and establish a sustainable mining sector under an exchange of letters between Geoscience Australia and the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment. 
  1. Both countries recognise the importance of tourism to our national economies. As a major driver of economic growth, Australia will continue to assist Sri Lanka develop a sustainable tourism industry that generates widespread employment opportunities. Australia will continue to assist Sri Lanka promote investment opportunities in its tourism industry.

Development cooperation

  1. Australia and Sri Lanka recognise our longstanding development partnership has made an important contribution to Sri Lanka’s growth and prosperity. Australia remains strongly committed to assisting the Sri Lankan Government achieve its inclusive development goals, including through developing skills and opportunities for small business, and encouraging greater participation of women in the workforce.
  1. Australia and Sri Lanka commit to explore opportunities for greater collaboration in developing Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector, in particular dairy and fisheries, including by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). 
  1. Australia and Sri Lanka commit to explore opportunities for enhanced collaboration in science, technology and innovation, in particular to address the prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka through a Memorandum of Understanding between the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and the Presidential Taskforce on CKDu in Sri Lanka. 
  1. Noting the regular occurrence of natural disasters in both countries, Australia and Sri Lanka commit to continued cooperation in disaster management, including through international development partners.

Education and people-to-people links

  1. Australia and Sri Lanka recognise the positive role of our extensive people-to-people links, which are the bedrock of our warm bilateral relationship. Australia’s large Sri Lankan community has made a significant contribution to many different sectors of Australian society and economy. 
  1. Both countries recognise that overseas Sri Lankans, including those based in Australia, have the potential to make a significant contribution to Sri Lanka’s reconciliation process and future development. Australia and Sri Lanka commit to continue to support initiatives to encourage overseas Sri Lankans to contribute to Sri Lanka’s economic development. 
  1. Our strong and growing education ties have boosted the human capital of both countries. Australia and Sri Lanka commit to enhancing cooperation in research and vocational training including through partnerships between our educational institutions, our development partnership and implementation of the New Colombo Plan. Both countries commit to enhance cooperation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to empower younger Sri Lankans. 
  1. Sporting exchanges further enhance our bilateral relationship. Under the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding on Sports Cooperation, Australia and Sri Lanka commit to promote cooperation between professionals in cricket, basketball, swimming, volleyball, tennis, boxing, rugby, cycling, golf and baseball, as well as in sports integrity measures.


  1. Australia and Sri Lanka jointly decide to take forward enhanced bilateral cooperation in these fields through the Sri Lanka-Australia Senior Officials Talks; the Sri Lanka-Australia Joint Working Group on People Smuggling and Other Transnational Crime; official visits and exchanges in each direction.


 Signed in Canberra on 25 May 2017.

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President Sirisena to undertake State Visit to Australia

President Maithripala Sirisena will undertake a state visit to Australia on 24-26 May 2017 at the invitation of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. The visit takes place as both countries celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.

During the visit, President Sirisena will hold bilateral meetings with Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrave and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on 25 May 2017. The Governor-General will host a State Lunch for the President

Following the meeting with Prime Minister Turnbull, a Joint Declaration on Enhanced Cooperation between Australia and Sri Lanka, is expected to be signed. A Memorandum of Understanding on a Cooperative Programme on the Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology, between the Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation and the Sri Lanka Presidential Taskforce for Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease is also to be signed. A Letter of Intent on Cooperation between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau of Sri Lanka would also be exchanged during the visit.

President Sirisena will also hold bilateral meetings with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Immigration and Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton and Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten.

A Breakfast meeting with members of the Business community in Sydney will be held on 26 May for the President. President Sirisena will also meet with members of the Sri Lankan community in Canberra and Sydney, and is scheduled to visit the Centre for Genomics, Metabolomics and Bioinformatics at the Australian National University (ANU) and the Mount Majura Solar Farm.

President Sirisena’s delegation will include Minister of Tourism Development & Christian Religious Affairs John Amaratunga, Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Harsha de Silva, Deputy Minister of Power and Renewable Energy Ajith P. Perera and Member of Parliament Harshana Rajakaruna.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

23 May 2017

Register with the High Commission

The Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra would like to keep in touch with Sri Lankans and persons of Sri Lankan origin living in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and other Pacific Islands as well as Sri Lankan community organisations in those countries.

If you are a current/former Sri Lankan or an office bearer of a Sri Lankan community organisation we invite you to register with the High Commission.



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61, Hampton Circuit
ACT 2600

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