Global Ceylon Tea Party kicks off in Canberra
July 7, 2017
The Global Ceylon Tea Party celebrating the 150th anniversary of Ceylon Tea got underway on 6th July with the first party in the Pacific region being held in Canberra at the Sri Lanka High Commission.
Specially identified Tea businesses, Tea traders, travel writers & firms and selected academics, officials, diplomats were invited to this unique event.
The programme commenced with a video presentation on the symbol of quality that is Ceylon Tea, and High Commissioner S. Skandakumar addressing the gathering with an overview of the long traditions to ensure the quality and standard that are synonymous with Sri Lanka’s tea industry which has put the country on the world map.
The invitees were then served tea from the seven agro climatic regions of Sri Lanka which produce pure quality tea, to the accompaniment of authentic Sri Lankan flavours, savouries and sweets. They also had the opportunity to taste the different flavours and aroma of tea coming from the seven regions. Each participant was given a gift pack of tea, a complimentary special mug courtesy Imperial Tea from Melbourne who were present as one of the key sponsors of the Global Tea Party, and information brochures on Sri Lankan tea and tourism.
From the comments left behind and feedback received, all participants were high in their praise for the event and appreciated the invitation to such a unique event. The participation of several tea traders/businesses from Melbourne and Sydney was particularly significant and reflected the level of interest in Ceylon Tea.
7 July 2017
Sri Lanka High Commission in Australia