Australian Foreign Minister graces Sri Lanka Independence Celebrations in Canberra
February 21, 2014
Hon Julie Bishop Minister of Foreign Affairs being greeted by the High Commissioner
Hon. Scott Morrision, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senior Advisor to Minister Foreign Affairs Mr Murray Hansen and Hon Julie Bishop attentive to the High Commissioner’s address
Hon. Julie Bishop addressing the gathering
Large distinguish and representative gathering attentive to the Speeches
Mrs. Malathie Samarasinghe entertaining Hon Julia Bishop with Sri Lankan food
Royal Australian Navy Brass Band members with High Commissioner, his staff and spouses. The Mural in the back ground
Hon. Julie Bishop, Hon Scott Morrision and Chief of Defence Forces General David Hurley and spouse enjoying the evening
Young Sri Lankan girls’ dance enjoyed by two ministers
Solo Kandyan dance enjoyed by the Ministers
Representative and Diversified gathering
19′ x 20′ Mural sculpture in the main foyer of the High Commission
In addition to official events on the 4th of February 2014, the High Commissioner and Mrs. Malathie Samarasinghe hosted a Reception on the 12th of February at the High Commission for Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians, Diplomats, Senior Officials of Ministries of Defence, Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Border Protection and National Intelligence, academia and Australian Sri Lankan community members.
The Hon. Julie Bishop, Minister of Foreign Affairs graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Hon. Scott Morrison, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection as the Guest of Honour. Hon. Julie Bishop delivered a very positive and an encouraging speech highlighting and acknowledging Sri Lanka’s post conflict achievements and rejected any one who is attempting to isolate Sri Lanka with allegations sans credible evidence. Her speech clearly echoed the much improved close and strong relationship that Australia and Sri Lanka enjoy today. Her speech was in response to a hard hitting speech by the High Commissioner emphasizing the honourable peace that Sri Lanka enjoy at present under one flag and paying tribute to the military who made it possible, and the courageous and visionary leadership of His Excellency the President.
High Commissioner specially explained and emphasized to the gathering the unfounded attitude of certain countries who are with vested interest attempting to derail the delicate reconciliation process with unsubstantiated allegations and counter productive resolutions which are fuelling the fires of separatism. He cited quotations from world leaders and factual independent judgments to establish the fact that double standards that are being applied and selective approaches towards Sri Lanka’s 30 year terrorist conflict. Both speeches could be watched on
(a) Hon. Julie Bishop – http://vimeo.com/86972885
(b) High Commissioner – http://vimeo.com/86972884
The distinguished gathering of over 250 included in addition to two senior Federal Ministers, members of the Federal Parliament, General David Hurley, Chief of Defence Force, National Security Adviser Dr. Margot McCarthy, Head of Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation Mr. David Irvine, Special Envoy of Hon. Tony Abbott Maj Gen. Andrew Molan, Commander of the Task Force Operations Sovereign Borders Lt. Gen. Angus Campbell, Former Chief of Defence Forces and Special Envoy Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, Senior Adviser to Hon. Tony Abbott Dr. Mark Higgie, Chief of Staff and Senior Adviser to Hon. Julie Bishop Mr. Murray Hansen, Secretary/Immigration and Border Protection Mr. Martin Bowles, Mr. Gary Dunn, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ms. Sally Mansfield Chief of Protocol, Deputy Chiefs of Navy, Army and Air Force over 60 High Commissioners and Ambassadors and diversified representation of Australian Sri Lankans.
The Royal Australian Navy Brass band was in attendance and performed from the balcony of the main foyer for both the national anthems sung by two Sri Lankan ladies. The Royal Australian Navy band also provided Sri Lankan melodies for the evening. The event also included a dance performance by six girls under ten years and a solo Kandyan dance performance.
High Commissioner also took the opportunity to explain the newly installed mural sculpture (bas-relief) 19’ x 20’ in size in the main foyer created by Prof. Sarath Chandrajeewa which is made out of red earthenware terracotta hand crafted and painted with earth colour slips consisting of 380 fired clay tiles. The art was designed by Prof. Albert Dharmasiri. The theme of the mural “Sri Lanka’s country side” depicts the general and countryside life-style of Sri Lanka society, nature, wild life, beauty, livelihood, economy, traditional Kandyan dance folklore, religious, cultural, historical and heritage sites of national identity including multicultural co-existence with prosperity, harmony and happiness. The mural came into high praise of all those present.
Evening was concluded with Sri Lankan dinner enjoyed by all the dignitaries including the two senior Cabinet Ministers and other high ranking officials who decided to remain and spend the time to enjoy the evening with the large gathering. Scenic beauty of Sri Lanka was also on display in the main function room by way of framed photographs with description.